looped near to the simple-minded.
Vacant nose, vacant mouth
still smelling, still eating things.
Vacant nose, vacant mouth
still smelling, still eating things.
I not see? saith
the dream, which was me.
would take a thorn or two for a rose! Put it in my thumb or in my
innards, in my nose, but give me a rose—a rose that wilts quickly &
I will press the passing away of it to my heart & soul, like
petals discovered in an old book. This innocence still retained? I
miss the days of my childhood walking the outercircle of the
farm-land in my rural hometown where sunsets seem to go on for hours,
paused in my endtime pasture, a darting hart, the unmoving dromedary,
the uncharted heart . . . Why
can I not dream?
saith the dream.
I stepped off the sidewalk tonight, tripped the cement upward like
looking back seeing someone gaining on you & I caught my bleeding
heart in my mouth. A dashing doe leapt towards me in wonder as I
sprouted wings like a Pegasus, made
you look. Bombardier rout of thought needn’t scholarship to sail through
surveying seas . . . without myself I pretend to dematerialize from
my surroundings when you, like a marble statue, come to life like
smooth medieval chisel compositions
I strike imagination with spiritual touch, Pygmalion’s revery, yet I am stubborn in a gaze, fragile like cargo, candlelight forensics, gauze, a seaweed bundle around your ankles when you swim through my ocean.
I’m puzzled in an air’s heirloom, ears wide like scallop shells to listen to you the way I want to always listen to you, clutching my lent costume, buttons popping off accoutrements in acoustics of night as the night sings for you. Unruly lips
clip-off cranium-pieces
from my dome,
like a broken alphabet
of hammered faces squinting.
What my ear said
is what my mouth
I feel like
what Yesterday feels like
when it thinks of
I wait for another dust speck
to fall because I am not Me:
The icy
polar opposite
of the Earth
I strike imagination with spiritual touch, Pygmalion’s revery, yet I am stubborn in a gaze, fragile like cargo, candlelight forensics, gauze, a seaweed bundle around your ankles when you swim through my ocean.
I’m puzzled in an air’s heirloom, ears wide like scallop shells to listen to you the way I want to always listen to you, clutching my lent costume, buttons popping off accoutrements in acoustics of night as the night sings for you. Unruly lips
clip-off cranium-pieces
from my dome,
like a broken alphabet
of hammered faces squinting.
What my ear said
is what my mouth
I feel like
what Yesterday feels like
when it thinks of
I wait for another dust speck
to fall because I am not Me:
The icy
polar opposite
of the Earth