Saturday, June 24, 2017


Some day 
I will be a dead ringer elderly Saint-John Perse homunculi, 
Æsop in hindsight, multicolored quotidian physiog:

Red (I am the fruit of the hawthorn), 
Yellow (I am a jacket of flying stinging-things),
Blue (I am the babbling brook, bubbling),

Green (I am a clover of four leaves, hiding behind blades of lush),
Purple (I am a happy romp through an anti-heros heart),
Orange (I am an incombustible sun, buttering your bread), 

Rambling along now
Playing chess with Ariadne in a labyrinth of glisten 
In an air to conquer the unordinary, 

Arrows flying all about my salmon-flopping body 
of muscadines before theatre queues, 
tough-as-nails rusty sails saying—

     “My name near the border of sanity; 
     Fantasia-conscious orator, 
     having, in one sense, great sounds 
     of the enchanted celestial Celesta 
     in the ear... who can know it?” 

Chessboards, then, 
are smeared through my mind as if thumbtack-pushed 
by angels into my reverie. 


This snow, 

like the earth
posing nude. 

The windows
are still-lives 
of frozen wind

flicking golden 
flecks of waves 

& then

                          a pitiful white moth

                                  between us 

                              like a fly 

                      in a shadow 

         suddenly flying 

 into the sunlight 


                                       a diamond 

                 in my peripheral: 

a subtle stab 

to the 


[Heart afloat above Urquhart Castle]

Heart afloat above Urquhart Castle 
said the Rook to the King 
who frowned to find his crown 
on my head, so he took hold of 
Socrates’s cup of hemlock 
& with a  frivolous proposal 
offered me the first sip in which 
I slipped Mithridate into it 
to survive beyond the poison,
to show sympathy to mystery 
& antiquity like The Loch Ness 
Monster finally becoming 
“unmasked out of an unending 
combination of masks”—
a revealing like Aphra Behn 
rising from obscurity surpassing 
our own deaths in jetstreams 
of stillness. 

Thursday, June 22, 2017

[Where art differs from the charmer,]

Where art differs from the charmer, 
the flattering sting dips Saturn in a red rose 
(laying on it)—gaudily chums trounce open 
the floodgates; purveyors’ persuasion has 
its own smoked hams; zany, unthwartable, 
palpably ripe nonsense—half-exposed breasts 
out of habit stuffed beyond the caress of the
wrong bull—[CUT]: Scintilla arrives in ripples, 
the redolent shift of a poem, like a memory,
like this poem turning its doggone woebegone
towards some sumptuous Halcyon, where 
chrysanthemums amuse a woman’s tiny baby, 
where mauve melodrama no longer irritates 
blarney tautology—let’s butcher the relics, 
let’s be bodies so soft that suede siphons out 
our flesh; let’s be like a pond of feathery lilies 
that unveils gold-colored filtered light outward 
as if created from glass—archetypes of puddled 
conflations—while bringing back labyrinthine 
reflections of moiety from the offing, built upon 
generation after generation, while our sempiternal 
lips of crystal tastes every projection, as swans 
vacate within your spirit, preventing your descent. 

Saturday, June 17, 2017


A dog with (mutt)on chops
dragging a piece of pork around in a yard 
full of tulips lipping every soundwave across 
my mega-powered irreducible hand-mirror

lapped up the moment like the water in the bowl
while I watched scenes of families play-out 
in suburbs across fences, across faces, tresses 
and bricked hideouts with my mouth opened

& out of the warm beyond, a voice like a 
river-charm called out to me in a panic
& I felt the blindspot in my head fill up 
with a pouring glow like a Renaissance 

& the words “Look out!” simultaneously rang 
at that very moment that a spasmic sound 
of a weapon firing off sent the unwilling bullet into 
the rabid animal’s flesh (not the dog) that had 

charged at me without a sound like a red-raged bull
& I collapsed like a bell-tower destroyed by war 
but yet still sounds-off as if coughing up its own 
dusty rubble like a vocal harking-hearkening 

setting me free on the piercing tunes of freedom’s 
dirty ring.

Friday, June 2, 2017


I think of draining the swamp
so as to reveal The Swamp Thing; 
Gatherum stripped away for good or
would it be a She-Thing of the Mississippi? 

Diversity twitches like a nerve on a 
beachless shore. I am poised for a 
glancing blow. Gamma-rays under arrest 
through my reproductive organs.

Booby-traps chomping us up like 
bad teeth brittled. I think of building 
a wall as tough as beavers, as beetles, 
as spangles out of blooming fluctuform 

windspeed dripping airplanes across 
the phosphorescent Thought, Why not, 
I speculated a width of the way. Inspected 
gadgets gone in their former spaces, but

We want something more. We always 
want something more (with mathematical 
forked-tails to be hero of all). I want to be 
arrowing the earth; a life-force of blank 

bullet holes bursting through a body 
of feathers. I crawl out of the swamp 
like some Cenozoic creature of heaven
in the form of a rough Pacific surge 

reclaiming myself like a serpent
in the presence of eagles.